Good morning haxx0rz
Hope you’ve been having fun going through this year’s official cybersecurity challenge (…I made sure to throw in plenty of cats because they’re essential.
Here’s the official clue #1!!
You’ll notice on the bottom of the welcome page it says:
Here's a riddle, pretend Smeagol is telling it to you or something
“Within the lines of text, secrets do dwell,
The first letter of each, a tale to tell.
An acrostic hidden, clues to uncover,
A word emerges, unlike any other.
Find the path, take this measure,
Modify the URL to reveal the treasure.”
To put it more plainly, you’ll need to find an acrostic hidden across the text on the welcome page, focusing only on the sentences that aren't part of a link. The acrostic will lead you to a word that you'll use to modify the last part of the URL in your browser's address bar, like such

Until next time!